Data Collaborator Agreements for SSD Faculty Researchers

SSCS will work in tandem with the University Research Administration (URA) when departments are requesting Data Collaborator Agreements. Further information and the template for the data collaborator agreement can be accessed through URAs webpage:

When collaborators are requesting access to the University of Chicago Resources under the Social Science Division, SSCS helps extend their CNET or directs the department to create a Temporary Agent Guest account for their collaborators. Having the University of Chicago CNET or TAG account enables collaborators to access resources held by the University of Chicago.

SSCS extends CNETs and TAGs with the understanding that the collaborator is entering an agreement with the department and that the sponsoring Principal Investigator has communicated the terms of the agreement, project requirements, and expectations to the collaborator.

The data collaborator agreement does not supersede or circumvent any existing contracts in place by the University of Chicago.

Who qualifies for a Data Collaborator Agreement?
Data Collaborator Agreements are best suited for researchers and staff who are transitioning between institutions as interim solution for getting situated to their new institution. Data Collaborator Agreement is also a temporary solution when the University of Chicago is the primary lead and resource for a collaborative project.

Examples of individuals who best qualify for a Data Collaborator Agreement:

Incoming Researchers and Staff: Individuals that will be formally affiliated with the University of Chicago in the near future, but require early project access.

Outgoing Researchers and Staff: Individuals that are formally affiliated with the University of Chicago and are leaving to another institution and require extended access to complete a project.

Affiliates: University of Chicago affiliates who are housed at other institutions, but have a formal visiting appointment with the University of Chicago.

What does a data collaborator agreement grant you?

A Data Collaborator Agreement can provide access to university resources such as access to the library, email, servers, an extended CNET or temporary agent account. The data collaborator agreement also provides formal affiliation under University of Chicago to show that the collaborator is working on the project for the University of Chicago and/or using University of Chicago resources.

What does a data collaborator agreement not grant you?

A Data Collaborator Agreement does not grant employee status to the recipient.

This agreement does not circumvent any other agreement and collaborator responsibilities.

Submitting a Data Collaborator Agreement

The data collaborator agreement is a two part process

  1. Submit a request through the SSCS Service Catalog for Initiate Data Collaborator Agreement

    This step will queue SSCS to initiate the CNET extension or SSCS will prompt the department to create a Temporary Agent Guest account. In addition, the ticketing form communicates to SSCS that your department will initiate a data collaborator agreement with URA and helps SSCS prefill the data collaborator agreement.

    Before Submission


    • Know your IRB numbers and DUA information
  2. Preview the SSCS Initiate Data Collaborator Agreement ticket and gather information from faculty member and data collaborator

    Submit an SSCS Ticket

    Once the CNET is extended, SSCS will confirm via the ticketing system and will also provide a prefilled data collaborator agreement.

    If you already have a prefilled Data Collaborator Agreement, you can attach in the SSCS ticket.

  3. Complete and route the Data Collaborator Agreement in AURA

The sponsoring department should obtain signature from the data collaborator and then route the data collaborator agreement in AURA.

If there are follow-up questions on the agreement, URA will work to resolve. However, that process will not delay the CNET extension. SSCS completes the extension with the understanding that the agreement is being routed or will be routed through the University Research Administration and relies on the department communicating and enforcing the expectations and responsibilities of the agreement to the data collaborator.