Research Transcription Service

About AWS Transcription Service

Social Sciences Computing Services is providing a pilot Transcription Service for use by Social Sciences Division Faculty, Students, and Staff. The University of Chicago license is held by Information Technology Services and hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. The transcription service is limited to research being led by the University of Chicago.

IRB Requirements

Due to the sensitive nature of using Generative Artificial Intelligence platforms, SSCS is requiring an IRB for all requested accounts, including exempt research and research classified as non-research. The IRB will serve as a central record of the data being inputted into the AWS transcription service.

Please identify the Social Sciences Division Transcription Service in your IRB application.

***The current transcription pilot can only ingest data with a Research Data Strategy (SRDS) protection level classification of Low.***

For details on data security risk and their protection levels, please see the University’s Secure Research Data Strategy website.

***The SBS-IRB Approval Letter will identify the risk level as minimal risk. SBS-IRB projects with minimal risk are labeled as exempt or expedited. ***

The SBS-IRB Approval Letter with a research determination of not-research will also be accepted for use of the service.

Data protected by HIPAA, FERPA, COPPA, and GDPR cannot be ingested into the transcription service.


This transcription service is targeted at the University of Chicago Social Sciences Division faculty, students, and staff who are conducting research under the University of Chicago.

Data Security Features

This build of the transcribe service protects data from being utilized by AWS for their own purposes and protects data from being utilized with other third parties. SSCS has enabled AWS’ AI services opt-out policies.

The University of Chicago license also requires the AWS storage to be encrypted by default.

Users will not be able to see other user’s file content or access other users’ transcription output. Naming conventions will consist of CNet IDs and will not include project names or any other meta-data. For users with multiple projects, project names can only be listed numerically.

Best Use Features

AWS Transcription is ideal for an initial transcription. It can transcribe an audio file in a relatively short amount of time. Once a transcription job is complete, the researcher can download the file and save to a word document. Researchers can then clean and analyze files in a separate Text Analysis software.

Important note on file storage

Only use AWS storage as scratch space. Do not rely on AWS storage to hold your audio files and output files indefinitely. Once you have transcribed your audio files and downloaded the output, SSCS recommends deleting your files from the AWS S3 storage.

Request a Transcription Account

To create an account, please complete the SSCS Ticket:

Account creation will take approximately two –three business days.

***Only one IRB can be allowed per user account.***

Please submit a new SSCS ticket for projects with a new IRB.

The transcription service is only for authorized users and authorized use of the service. The transcription service is monitored for use, auditing, and security purposes.

Instructions for Submitting an AWS Transcription Job

The User Guide provides step-by-step instructions for submitting an AWS transcription job. It highlights the available features, how to submit a transcription job, and how to obtain the output file.

User Support

SSCS Teaching and Technology can help with introductory training and guidance on submitting a transcription job. For questions specific to using the service’s current features, please contact

Account Modifications

For a specific uses not currently available, please contact to share your project’s transcription needs. We welcome feedback and ideas for future versions of the service.

Data Deletion Policy

Input and Output files in AWS are automatically deleted after 30 days. Please store your original and output files as specified in your IRB.

Account Closure

Once your transcription jobs are complete, please contact to close out your account.

SSCS will also reach out monthly to check on your account. If you are not actively using the account, SSCS will close out the account.

If you are not using the account and want to use it at a later date, SSCS can accommodate this request. SSCS will deactivate your account and delete the files held in the account. When the account is paused, it cannot hold any files, audio or output files.