Many of the most common Applications such as Matlab, Xstata-MP, and Rstudio can be launched from the application menu in a VNC session. Non-graphical versions can be run in a terminal with commands matlab, R, and stata-mp. If you don’t see what you are looking for let us know we can generally help you find it or assist you with software installation.

Often we will have multiple versions of an application installed. The “module” command can be used to load software for your environment. Running “module avail” will allow you to see what is available.

module avail

Running “module load ” will make it active for your current running session. The following would allow access the Intel distribution of Python.

which python


module load python/intelpython3

which python


Running “module list” will show the current active software.

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:

1) python/intelpython3

Disable a module with “module unload”

module unload python/intelpython3

Loading software with the “module” command will only be active for your current session. You can make these changes permanent for your account by adding them to a file called .profile in your home directory (/home/username/.profile). Commands added to .profile will be executed when you log into the server in the order they are listed.

For example if I had some legacy Matlab code which required an older version add it to .profile as follows.

cat ~/.profile

#This is an example .profile. You may add lines like the following to load config modules or programs to your environment.
#Run “module avail” for a list of available software.
#module load openmpi/1.6.5
#export PYTHONPATH=/home/$USER/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
#export PATH=/home/$USER/bin:$PATH
module load matlab/R2013a

The next time I log into Acropolis the version of Matlab launched with the “matlab” command would be 2013.

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:

1) matlab/R2013a

which matlab
