Oct 27, 2020 | Computation
There are some configuration items to make your RDP session more comfortable: Saving Credentials Display Settings (screen resolution) Devices and Audio Folders Accessing RDP Settings Access the Launchpad via the dock at the bottom of your screen. Find and click on...
Oct 27, 2020 | Computation
There are some configuration items to make your RDP session more comfortable: Saving Credentials Display Settings (screen resolution) Local Resources (e.g. printer or folder) Experience Settings Saving Credentials It is not recommended to save your credentials on a...
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Software
Most major software packages can be purchased at a significant discount on the licensed software web store. For detailed information about the University of Chicago’s Microsoft Campus Agreement and other software packages please also view the campus Site Licensing web...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ
“showq” will list the full job queue. “showq -u $USER” will only list your jobs. From here you can see the status of your submitted jobs. “checkjob” can be used to see the current status of a job. Run checkjob followed by the job id listed in showq. This...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ, Software
Qsub Qsub is the command used to submit jobs to the cluster. Users are permitted to use up to 350 cores and 1TB of memory at a time. Beyond that your work will queue until your running jobs have completed. Resource reservations are strictly enforced. Your jobs will...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, FAQ, Matlab
Matlab 2016b is the default version on Acropolis. Additional versions of Matlab can be loaded with the module command. Matlab 2016b is configured to work with the Distributed Computing Server. Matlab DCS is integrated with the job scheduler. This allows you to...