Getting Logged On

In order to access UChicago resources, logging on requires several steps. Accessing computational resources at UChicago requires the setup of CNetID [Chicago NetworkID] in the form of either:

  1. a limited extension of CNetID privileges to users who previously served as Faculty, Staff, or Students, or
  2. a T-9 account for users without previous affiliation with the University.

Depending on the nature of a collaborator’s previous relationships with UChicago, one of these mechanisms will be employed.

If you are a new UChicago member, you can follow the steps below.
If you are a non-UChicago member, you begin with an agreement with your sponsoring department and then follow the steps below.


In order to set up your CNetID, password, and your account services, you’ll need to know or have all of the following items on this list:

  • Your ID number. This is typically your ChicagoID (which serves as the replacement for your Social Security Number), but can also be: your Student ID, Alumni ID, University of Chicago ISO number, or your SSN
  • Your date of birth.
  • Access to a device that you’ll set up for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Determine if you already have a CNetID by searching your first and last name in the UChicago Directory or at WhoAmI.

If you find that you already have a CNetID and have forgotten the password, navigate to MyAccount, click the green ‘Go to MyAccount’ button, enter your CNetID and click ‘Forgot your password?’

If you do not have a CNetID, you can create one at Claim Account while following the steps on the Claim Your CNetID page.

See more info about CNetIDs on IT Services’ CNetID Overview page.

TAG Account

To submit a TAG request, visit our SSCS Ticketing Portal

Once you receive a University of Chicago ID, you can claim your temporary CNetID that begins with t-9 at Claim Account while following the steps on the Claim Your CNetID page.

For more information about TAGs, see our Services page.

Questions about TAG accounts can be directed to

Email Forwarding

If granted email privileges, you can set your UChicago email to forward to your primary email address. Please refer to ITS’ Forward Your UChicago Email page.

2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)

Two-factor authentication is a security measure designed to ensure that you, and only you, are using your CNetID (username) and password to access UChicago services, systems, and resources. Authentication simply means that you have to prove that you are who you claim to be when accessing an online resource by providing something you know (your CNetID and password) along with something that you have (a preregistered device, such as your phone or tablet where, by using a code or an electronic push, you can prove that you are in possession of that device).

Using your CNetID or TAG account, you can set up 2FA, which is required to access any internal UChicago resources at the Two-Factor Authentication site.

Access more information on 2FA by visiting the 2FA FAQ.

NOTE: When traveling abroad and if your device is a smartphone, make sure your phone plan can receive international calls or download the DUO passcodes in advance: Use the Duo Security App to Generate 2FA Passcodes

cVPN (Cisco VPN)

The University of Chicago virtual private network (cVPN) provides users with secure access to University network resources as if you are on campus, no matter where you are in the world. The cVPN can be used to remotely access resources that are not available to you when you’re off-campus. You should also use the cVPN when you are working on an unknown network such as a hotel or coffee shop wireless network.

Install cVPN on Windows
Install cVPN on Mac
Install cVPN on iOS
Install cVPN on Android

Learn more about cVPN at the Virtual Private Network FAQ.

Accessing SSCS Servers

SSCS provides UChicago social scientists with a platform for secured storage, computation, and analysis. Once you have a CNetID, your department can request to add you onto their resources, including the SSCS servers. Your department can request server access via our SSCS ticketing System.

After you have been added as a user to the Servers and any specific file directories or fileshares, you’ll need to set-up access on your computer. Ask your department what server you’ll be added onto.

If you need help with these directions, you can reach out to the SSCS Server Support Team at

Your department will let you know if any of the projects you will access, require additional documentation and training.

If you need to access SSCS servers for a research project and are collaborating with a University of Chicago Principal Investigator, ask your UChicago department to submit an Initiate Data Collaborator Agreement ticket.
Request an account: you must have been granted access to SSDLAB.

Accessing SSCS Server Computational Space

EasyVNC is provided and maintained by the Social Sciences Division in order to simplify the process of connecting to our servers.

Download Easy-VNC: