Divisional Security Officer
For more information related to data governance, data management plans, data resources, please see Resources from the SSD Divisional Security Officer. If you have any additional questions, you can contact the Divisional Security Officer via email at ssd-dso@uchicago.edu or submit a ticket via our portal.

Data Collection and Management
SSCS provides Qualtrics and REDCap for SSD researchers. The University of Chicago Library can provide guidance with managing and curating your data.
Data Repositories
Research Data Management

SSCS reviews project documentation for their data security requirements.
Resources from the SSD Divisional Security Officer
AURA IRB, Agreements, Grants
SBS-IRB Investigator Guidance
URA Contracts
URA Data Use Agreements
Data Collaborator Agreement

Project Consultation
You can contact SSCS during the project development phase for preliminary questions or if you need help assessing project, software, and technological security requirements.

Data security training can be required from the university, project protocol, data provider, and/or project funding source.