Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ, Quotas, Software
You may use up to 350 CPU cores or 1TB of RAM on the cluster compute nodes. Beyond these limits your work will queue. Once your running jobs complete your queued jobs will start. You are welcome to run smaller jobs directly on the Acropolis head node. The head node is...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ, Matlab, Python, Software
Many of the most common Applications such as Matlab, Xstata-MP, and Rstudio can be launched from the application menu in a VNC session. Non-graphical versions can be run in a terminal with commands matlab, R, and stata-mp. If you don’t see what you are looking for let...
Jul 18, 2019 | Access, Cluster, Computation, FAQ
The Acropolis system is available to eligible SSCS users. The guidelines for obtaining access are the same as accessing a departmental server. Once you have an SSCS account email us at ssc-server-support@lists.uchicago.edu. Please let us know if you are working in...