Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Network
The University’s wireless network is available in all campus buildings. To access the internet through it you must have a CNetID. You will see at least four networks options listed on campus (if you see others, do not connect to these they are not supported networks:...
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ
The University enables current University of Chicago staff, students and faculty to set up a personal web page. Eligible persons can create a personal web page on the Voices website.
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Network, VPN
Some University of Chicago web pages, such as the library’s Lexis-Nexis pages, are restricted to viewing within the campus network. When you are off-campus and want to view these pages, you will need to configure and use the University’s Proxyit! web proxy service....
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Firewall, MacOS, Virus, Windows
A virus is a malicious program that installs itself on your computer without your authorization and may cause damage to your computer’s data or to other computers on a network. The first step to avoiding a virus infection is to be sure that your computer has...
Jul 18, 2019 | Backup, Desktop, FAQ, Onboarding
We strongly encourage backup of all critical information where ever it is being stored. The Social Sciences Division provides free-of-charge licenses for Code42 Enterprise to Faculty and Staff. The Code42 cloud backup platform will backup from anywhere with unlimited...