Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Purchasing
SSCS can advise, purchase, configure and install your new computer system. New faculty and research personnel may view Apple and Dell computer models and price lists on https://buysite.uchicago.edu Please note that you are not restricted to purchasing only from Dell...
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Network, Printing
Yes. Social Sciences Computing Services can set up and configure a networkable printer for printing from multiple locations. We can also configure your system to print to an existing printer that we also support.
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Network
IT Services provides a number of ways to connect to the campus network. Social Sciences Computing Services is also always available to facilitate any network connection you may need. For any network connectivity questions, please contact us. We will promptly take care...
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Software
Most major software packages can be purchased at a significant discount on the licensed software web store. For detailed information about the University of Chicago’s Microsoft Campus Agreement and other software packages please also view the campus Site Licensing web...
Jul 18, 2019 | Access, Desktop, Email, FAQ
IT Services supports and maintains all email at the University of Chicago. To get an email account, you must obtain a CNetID. When you create a CNetID for yourself, you are also creating an email account for yourself. The University uses the Office 365 suite for...