Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ, Software
Qsub Qsub is the command used to submit jobs to the cluster. Users are permitted to use up to 350 cores and 1TB of memory at a time. Beyond that your work will queue until your running jobs have completed. Resource reservations are strictly enforced. Your jobs will...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, FAQ, Matlab
Matlab 2016b is the default version on Acropolis. Additional versions of Matlab can be loaded with the module command. Matlab 2016b is configured to work with the Distributed Computing Server. Matlab DCS is integrated with the job scheduler. This allows you to...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ
Head Node The server you log into when connecting to acropolis.uchicago.edu is what we refer to as the head node or login node. This server is a Dell R920 consisting of “Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8891 v2 @ 3.20GHz” CPU’s with a total of 40 cores or 80 computational...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ, Quotas, Software
You may use up to 350 CPU cores or 1TB of RAM on the cluster compute nodes. Beyond these limits your work will queue. Once your running jobs complete your queued jobs will start. You are welcome to run smaller jobs directly on the Acropolis head node. The head node is...
Jul 18, 2019 | FAQ, Python, R, Software
It is possible to install most software in your home directory. Some packages require will require additional dependencies and configuration. Let us know if you need assistance. Python There are many versions of Python available on Acropolis. You can load a different...