Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Software
Most major software packages can be purchased at a significant discount on the licensed software web store. For detailed information about the University of Chicago’s Microsoft Campus Agreement and other software packages please also view the campus Site Licensing web...
Jul 18, 2019 | Access, Desktop, Email, FAQ
IT Services supports and maintains all email at the University of Chicago. To get an email account, you must obtain a CNetID. When you create a CNetID for yourself, you are also creating an email account for yourself. The University uses the Office 365 suite for...
Jul 18, 2019 | Access, Cluster, FAQ, SSH
In order to run graphical applications on Acropolis with out VNC you will need to open an SSH session capable of X11 forwarding. Unlike VNC your applications will not continue to run once your SSH session has ended. This method is only suitable for short running...
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, FAQ, Storage
The Acropolis /home and /share directories are hosted over a 10GbE network connection. Jobs which perform large amounts of reads and writes to disk can benefit by using scratch space. Each compute node is equipped with a fast solid state drive located at /scratch....
Jul 18, 2019 | Cluster, Computation, FAQ
“showq” will list the full job queue. “showq -u $USER” will only list your jobs. From here you can see the status of your submitted jobs. “checkjob” can be used to see the current status of a job. Run checkjob followed by the job id listed in showq. This...