Sep 25, 2023 | Account, FAQ, Qualtrics
University of Chicago Qualtrics Instances Creating an SSD Qualtrics Account Upgrade your SSD Qualtrics Account SSD Researcher Terms of Agreement IRB Requirements Qualtrics Support Closing or Transferring Qualtrics Account Qualtrics FAQs University...
Mar 18, 2022 | Desktop, FAQ, MacOS, Windows
There are a few ways to screenshot on your computer depending on your Operating System. Windows Snip & Sketch: You can use the Windows app ‘Snip & Sketch’ by searching for it in the Windows Search box near the Start button and clicking...
Jan 20, 2022 | Access, FAQ, Filesharing, Storage
SSD Home directories are located on a storage unit named On Acropolis, Cronus, and Athens, Home directories are mapped out to /home/<your_cnet_id> in the Linux computing environment. In SSDLAB, these are mapped out to the H: drive. This...
Jan 5, 2022 | Access, FAQ, Filesharing, Storage
The Windows Operating System has built-in functionality to easily view and restore files on a network share that supports snapshots. This is a simple feature but it should be used carefully to avoid destroying any recently modified work alongside the file you want to...
Oct 11, 2021 | Access, FAQ, Filesharing
Your account on can take up to 3 hours to become fully active. You can log into the cluster using SSH or EasyVNC if you would prefer to use graphical applications. The EasyVNC client can be downloaded from the following link: How to run EasyVNC...
Jul 12, 2021 | Account, Desktop, FAQ, MacOS, Windows
Whether you are using a Windows machine or Mac OS to access University of Chicago systems, you might have your CNET credentials saved to the machine. This is less secure than typing your credentials at each prompt. Mac OS Users Step 1: Open a Finder window and...