Mar 18, 2022 | Desktop, FAQ, MacOS, Windows
There are a few ways to screenshot on your computer depending on your Operating System. Windows Snip & Sketch: You can use the Windows app ‘Snip & Sketch’ by searching for it in the Windows Search box near the Start button and clicking...
Jul 12, 2021 | Account, Desktop, FAQ, MacOS, Windows
Whether you are using a Windows machine or Mac OS to access University of Chicago systems, you might have your CNET credentials saved to the machine. This is less secure than typing your credentials at each prompt. Mac OS Users Step 1: Open a Finder window and...
Apr 9, 2021 | Desktop, FAQ, Windows
If you are using any type of electronic device (e.g. smartphone, laptop, or tablet) to access University of Chicago systems, you must have an automatic screen lock configured. If you are using a University-issued device, it will already be configured to meet this...
Feb 8, 2021 | FAQ, Windows
All current CPOST-VM1 users need to begin using SSDLAB as soon as possible. Please view our help resources for new SSDLAB users: The SSDLAB project launched in October 2020. This system is a replacement for CPOST-VM1 and...
Jul 18, 2019 | Desktop, FAQ, Firewall, MacOS, Virus, Windows
A virus is a malicious program that installs itself on your computer without your authorization and may cause damage to your computer’s data or to other computers on a network. The first step to avoiding a virus infection is to be sure that your computer has...
Jul 18, 2019 | Access, EasyVNC, FAQ, MacOS, Windows
About EasyVNC EasyVNC is provided and maintained by the Social Sciences Division in order to simplify the process of connecting to our servers. If you encounter any problems with the software, you should contact the Social Sciences Server Support Group by...